Michelle Townley

Transcript Available

Mrs. Michelle Townley is known for her work in schools, supporting teachers and school leaders, coordinating curriculum, and supporting school operations. Mrs. Townley has worked in public education for nearly 25 years. She has served as a classroom teacher, Dean of Students, Assistant Principal, and Principal, and in a number of district wide roles as Director of Literacy, Regional Assistant Superintendent, and as Acting Chief Academic Officer. Throughout her career, she has focused on promoting a positive learning and working environment for students and staff. She provides the vision and leadership to develop and administer educational programs that optimize student potential and enhance learning processes for all students and provides a safe and successful school culture for students, staff, parents, and community. Mrs. Townley is a two-time graduate of the University of South Florida, majoring in Speech Communication and Educational Studies as an undergraduate, and Educational Leadership and Policy Studies in her masters degree program, where she was recognized as Outstanding Graduate Student of the Year. Michelle is a Leadership Fellow in the Florida Department of Education Dr. Brian Dassler Institute, a Leadership Florida Education Class III Member, and a member of the Florida Department of Education Instructional Leadership Team Institute. Most recently, Michelle took the opportunity to fulfill her career-long goal of opening a new school in her hometown as Principal.

To Cite this Episode: Persohn, L. (Host). (2022, Oct. 11). A conversation with Michelle Townley. (Season 3, No. 9) [Audio podcast episode]. In Classroom Caffeine Podcast series. https://www.classroomcaffeine.com/guests. DOI: 10.5240/97F5-79B1-C48D-D863-B370-X


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