Margaret Robertson


Ms. Margaret Roberston is a kindergarten teacher at a small elementary school in central Florida. She has 8 years experience teaching kindergarten and fifth grade. Ms. Robertson is known for her focus on Conscious Discipline and social-emotional teaching. She has extensive experience supporting young children with special needs in her general education classroom. Maggie has been recognized by her mentors as an outstanding teacher-researcher. Her inquiry is driven by questions around how to foster student independence, student problem solving, and positive classroom culture. She supports her school through their instructional leadership team, collaborative teaching experiences, district-level curriculum design, and school budgeting input. In 2021, Ms. Robertson was named her school’s Teacher of the Year.

Mentioned in this episode

Peter Johnston

Renee Dinnerstein

Danielle Dennis

To cite this episode: Persohn, L. (Host). (2022, May 24). A conversation with Margaret Robertson. (Season 3, No. 1) [Audio podcast episode]. In Classroom Caffeine Podcast series. DOI: 10.5240/84E4-7690-D4EA-72E3-9853-S


Jennifer Serravallo


James Gee