Amélie Lemieux

Transcript available

Dr. Amélie Lemieux completed a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Bombardier-funded PhD in Literacy and Education at McGill University and a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Brock University’s Centre for Research in Multiliteracies. Her research interests include: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility policies as it relates to reading research, literature teaching, and multimodality, all informed by phenomenological and posthumanist perspectives. Her work has been published in Reading Research Quarterly, Literacy, Professional Development in Education, British Journal of Educational Technology, Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, and other venues. A bronze Lieutenant-Governor’s Medal Recipient of Quebec, she received Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council funding to investigate adolescents’ digital literacy practices and meaning-making processes as ways to leverage racial and social justice. Dr. Amélie Lemieux is an Assistant Professor at the University of Montreal’s Faculty of Education, in the department of didactics (teaching and learning).

You can connect with Dr. Lemieux at and follow her most recent research project on Instagram @insta_poetik.

To cite this episode: Persohn, L. (Host). (2024, Mar 12). A conversation with Amélie Lemieux (Season 4, No. 9) [Audio podcast episode]. In Classroom Caffeine Podcast series. DOI: 10.5240/1984-8530-6AAF-904B-12BE-Q


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